KRISTINE ESSER SLENTZ is a Maltese descendent raised in the Chicagoland area, who is also queer, a cult escapee, a GED holder, and the author of EXHIBIT: an amended woman, depose (FlowerSong Press 2021, 2024). Her work can be found or is forthcoming in The Saturday Evening Post, TriQuartly, Five Points, and more. She has been a panelist for TEDx Salon, finalist in the Glass Poetry Chapbook and F(r)iction‘s Flash Fiction Contests, recipient of the City College of New York’s English Department Teacher-Writer Award, and former Rifkind Fellow and Poets Afloat resident. She is the co-founder and organizer/host of the monthly experimental artist series, Adverse Abstraction, in New York City’s East Village. You can follow KRISTINE’s art on her substack, Carnations & Car Crashes.